Alan, indeed, very much! Ed

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John Milton wrote in 1644 "Whoever knew truth to come out the worse in a free and open encounter". Unfortunately, something unprecedented has happened. It's not only the Big Lie, but a web of lies that is followed by a growing segment of the electorate. I regularly listen to two radio stations in New York City that promote the web of lies (WABC & WOR). Their loyal listeners are true believers, just like the Republican Party, which sings in one voice, like the Red Army Choir. Putin has his own web of lies, but his support is often explained as a result of the tragic and totalitarian history of Russia. US political traditions were supposed to prevent a Trump victory, but looks like he is destined to enjoy not a victory, but a triumph.

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I hope you're correct, but I'm concerned about the maxim, "History is written by the victors." MAGA cultists are worming their way into local election positions nationwide, and red-state legislatures are passing laws left and right about what inconvenient historical facts (filed under the convenient catch-all heading of "critical race theory") cannot be taught to students upon pain of civil or criminal penalty. This dual dynamic raises the specter of minority-party rule coupled with heavily distorted school curricula, creating a vicious cycle that could prove difficult to break.

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Truth will out!

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Alan, this was very encouraging, helpful! Thank you! Ed Walbridge

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